Sculptra: The Best Investment For Your Skin

How many times have you bought the latest potion out there, and justified the expense as an “investment”? Did it truly pay off in the long run?

We believe in a balanced approach to skincare and aesthetics. While we all want those instant results (love you filler), a true investment yields dividends over time. 

When it comes to your skin, Sculptra is one of the best investments you can make. This is why Sculptra is the RRSP of aesthetics. It’ll pay dividends!

sculptra for skin laxity solution

Here’s why Sculptra nails it:

Boosts Collagen

Sculptra doesn’t cover or mask, it revs up your skin’s collagen production. As we age, we lose collagen, leading to sagging and volume loss. Sculptra reverses this by jumpstarting collagen production.

Gradual, Long-Lasting Transformation

Sculptra’s results unfold gradually, restoring your skin’s lost volume. It’s the gift that keeps on giving day after day.

Results That Stick Around

Enjoy results that last up to two years! No need for constant touch-ups, which makes it not only a wise investment for your skin, but also your wallet.

Natural Results

Sculptra creates a natural look because it uses your collagen, not artificial volume—it’s your skin but better. People will notice the change but won’t quite put their finger on it. 

Results like these 👇

Sculptra before and after results in Toronto
Sculptra results by Subtle Enhancements
Sculptra results before and after in Whitby

Sculptra is like a maxed-out RRSP account for your skin. It works overtime building interest collagen so you can restore that youthful volume and bounce.

The finer details about Sculptra

What is Sculptra?

Sculptra is poly-L-latic acid and is known as the original collagen stimulating treatment. Did you know Sculptra was originally developed for the treatment of facial fat loss in patients with HIV/AIDS The condition, known as lipoatrophy, is characterized by the loss of subcutaneous fat tissue in the face, leading to a sunken or gaunt appearance. Sculptra has since been approved by the FDA for cosmetic use in non-HIV patients as well, for the treatment of facial wrinkles and folds.

What areas can Sculptra treat?

Sculptra serves as a comprehensive solution for revitalizing the mid and lower regions of the face. It is administered through injections into strategic facial points, including the cheeks, along the jawline, near the pyriform aperture (adjacent to the nasolabial folds), and in proximity to the chin. Outcomes unfold gradually, necessitating a series of sessions tailored to individual age and volume loss. It represents an excellent choice for individuals seeking simultaneous enhancement across multiple facial areas while maintaining a natural look. Imagine Sculptra as the foundational support for your home – a solid starting point addressing the root cause of aging, which is the loss of collagen.

What age should you start Sculptra?

Sculptra, like any other cosmetic injection, is best done preventatively. By the time we reach our 40s or 50s, we have already lost a significant amount of collagen, and we begin to lose collagen as early as our mid-20s. Moreover, the collagen we produce in our later years is not as high in quality as the collagen we had when we were younger. Since Sculptra stimulates collagen production, we recommend starting with 1 or 2 vials in your mid-20s. Prevention is consistently easier and more cost-effective than correction.

How many treatments of Sculptra do you need?

We recommend clients 1 vial of Sculptra per decade of life for their initial series for best results. For instance, if you are 30 years old, you’ll need 3 vials. That’s because we need to catch up with collagen we’ve lost since our mid twenties. After we replace it, we just maintain it with one vial every 1-2 years!

What’s the downtime like for Sculptra?

Depending on how many vials you receive during your treatment, you may experience some swelling for the first 24 to 48 hours. A substantial amount of liquid is injected into your face, especially if you receive 1 vial on each side. However, after 24 to 48 hours, your body naturally eliminates that liquid, leaving you with a result that appears as if you haven't had any work done, with very minimal bruising in comparison to getting your lips treated.

What is the aftercare for Sculptra?

You must massage after your treatment for 5 days, 5 minutes at a time, 5 times per day. This ensures that you will have the best result possible and that you don’t get any lumps or bumps. Tenderness and bruising is expected and usually resolves in 5 -7 days. icing, arnica tablets, and eating pineapple can speed up your recovery. Here at Subtle Enhancements, we give you and aftercare card when you leave your appointment!

Does Sculptra hurt?

Both Nurse Hilary and Nurse Arlena have a high level of needle sensitivity, and they actually believe that receiving Botox is more painful than Sculptra! When administering Sculptra, we employ a cannula, which is a blunt needle used to thread beneath the skin, and we also apply numbing agents. We would rate the pain level as a 2 or 3 out of 10. Nurse Hilary, in particular, personally finds the most uncomfortable part to be the post-injection massage because your skin is tender from the treatment.

sculptra treatment being preformed in Toronto

Ready to invest in your skin’s future?

If you still have questions and want to know if you’re the right candidate for Sculptra book a complimentary consultation with us in Toronto (Parkdale) or Whitby (Brooklin). No questions is off limits!

nurse injector hilary thiessen in toronto

Hi, I’m Hilary!

The founder and lead nurse injector at Subtle Enhancements. Education is something that I’m very passionate about and this blog is an extension of that. Here you will be fully informed of the benefits and risks of each cosmetic procedure — no fads, no trends, just the scientific facts.

In the Greater Toronto Area or Durham Region? Consultations are free!

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