Sculptra Treatments
For a collagen stimulating facial boost
How it works
Full Face Rejuvenation
As we age, we stop producing as much collagen and the collagen that we produce isn’t as good as when we were younger. Sculptra is our go-to natural approach to volume restoration and skin tightening. It is a biostimulator which means that when injected, it tells your body to create more collagen. The result is a gradual restoration of fullness to wrinkles and folds (volume replacement), increased firmness, and glowy skin.
$800 per vial
* A deposit of 50% is required when booking this appointment.
This treatment includes a full vial, 9.0 ml of product that is injected into:
Pyriform Aperture
Around the chin for a full face treatment
After a series of treatments it lasts up to 2 years (and hopefully even longer)!
This product takes 4-6 weeks to see results and requires a series to achieve desired results. It’s recommended to have 1 vial per decade of life. That mean’s if you’re 45 years old, you’ll likely need 4 vials then maintenance is 1 vial every 1-2 years.

Natural-Looking Results, Long-Lasting Relationships
Before and Afters
Sculptra is poly-L-latic acid and is known as the original collagen stimulating treatment. When Sculptra is injected into key areas of the face, it tells your body to create more collagen. Collagen is responsible for keeping the skins shape and to keep it smooth and hydrated. Collagen equals youthful looking skin. Results of Sculptra can last up to at least 2 years after treatment.
Sculptra is used for an all over mid and lower face rejuvenation. It’s injected into key targets on the face including the cheeks, along the jawline, pyriform aperture (near the nasolabial folds), and close to your chin. Results are gradual and a series of sessions, depending on age and volume loss, is required. This is a great option for anyone that wants to target multiple areas at once without looking overdone. Think of Sculptra as the foundation to your home, this is a good starting place that treats the underlying cause of aging, collagen loss!
Look and feel like you on your best day, every day
Know what you’re looking for? Book an appointment or schedule a personal consultation with a member of our beauty and medical team.
We’re located here…
Subtle Enhancements
1656 Queen Street West, Toronto, M6R 1B2
(416) 771-6996
Brooklin Village Beauty & Wellness (injections only)
53 Baldwin St. Whitby, ON L1M 1A2
(905) 655-3153