Volume Loss

Are you feeling a little deflated? This could be due to the natural aging process that results in volume loss. Volume loss can make us look older than we actually are!

Recommended Treatments

  • Dermal Filler

    $550 - $575 per syringe (1.0 ml)

    Restore volume, contour your face and fill in fine lines and wrinkles. Dermal fillers are made up of hyaluronic acid (a sugar molecule) that naturally occurs in our skin. Fillers are the answer to fill in deeper lines not caused by expression and from volume loss. Think sunken cheeks, wrinkly lips, recessed chins, or deep nasolabial folds being restored to the volume you had 10 years ago!

  • Sculptra

    $800 per vial

    As we age, we stop producing as much collagen and the collagen that we produce isn’t as good as when we were younger. Sculptra is our go-to natural approach to volume restoration. It’s a biostimulatory product that tells your body to create more collagen which results in volume replacement, increased firmness, and glowy skin.

  • Radiesse Filler

    $700 per syringe (1.5ml)

    Radiesse does something that hyaluronic acid fillers can’t do, and that’s volume restoration AND natural collagen and elastin restoration (the good stuff that keeps us looking young). Unlike hyaluronic acid fillers, Radiesse doesn’t draw water and become “soft,” the results are smoother and tighter skin in places where the skin is more delicate. You’ll love the long-lasting results without looking “puffy”.

Look and feel like you on your best day, every day

Know what you’re looking for? Book an appointment or schedule a personal consultation with a member of our beauty and medical team.

We’re located here…

Subtle Enhancements
1656 Queen Street West, Toronto, M6R 1B2
(416) 771-6996

Brooklin Village Beauty & Wellness
53 Baldwin St. Whitby, ON L1M 1A2
(905) 655-3153