The Answer To Tighten and Restore Aging Skin: A Collagen Boost

Collagen plays a major role in the structural integrity of your skin. Aging and environmental factors (like sun damage and pollution) make it harder for our bodies to produce collagen. As our body’s collagen production decreases, we notice sagging, wrinkles, and folds.

One of our favourite treatments at Subtle Enhancements for this is Sculptra. It has quickly become one of our favourite treatments for tightening and natural volume restoration. If you haven’t heard about Sculptra and want to know more, keep reading!

Boost your skin’s natural collagen production with Sculptra

What can Sculptra do for me?

Sculptra is a biostimulator that tells your body to produce more collagen. The result is a gradual and natural restoration of fullness and smoothing of wrinkles and folds. Not only that, it’s a great preventative treatment for volume loss and sagging. Think of it as a full-face renewal treatment without looking overdone. 

Where can I get Sculptra?

You can get Sculptra all over mid and lower face. We use it to target key areas that see the biggest effects of collagen and volume loss— along the jawline, near the nasolabial fold, cheeks, jowls, and close to your chin. 

sculptra before and after result

How long does Sculptra results last?

You’ll start noticing results within 4 to 6 weeks, and may require a series of sessions to achieve the results you’re after. But, once your treatment is done, results last 2 years or more!

Is Sculptra better than Filler or Botox?

It entirely depends on the condition of your skin and the results you’re looking for. Fillers will add volume to localized areas of your face. Botox and/or Dysport will “freeze” targeted muscles to prevent creases from forming. Both treatments offer almost immediate results. Sculptra offers gradual results, targets the overall structure of your face, and helps tighten the skin which filler can’t do. 

Look rejuvenated without looking overdone with Sculptra

If you still have questions and want to know if you’re the right candidate for this treatment book a consultation with us in Toronto or Whitby.

Want to know what a Sculptra appointment looks like before booking? Check out this behind the scenes video.

Hi, I’m Hilary!

The founder and lead nurse injector at Subtle Enhancements. Education is something that I’m very passionate about and this blog is an extension of that. Here you will be fully informed of the benefits and risks of each cosmetic procedure — no fads, no trends, just the scientific facts.

In the Greater Toronto Area or Durham Region? Consultations are free!

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