Preventing An Aging Neck: A Guide to Maintaining a Youthful Appearance

Have you ever heard the saying, “if you want to know someone’s true age look at their hands and neck?” 

There is some truth to this saying (after all, this is why Karl Lagerfeld famously wore those button-up turtlenecks and gloves). Sometimes, we forget about the neck. We keep the serums, moisturizer and SPF to the face and leave our neck to fend for itself. To top it off, when our body’s collagen production slows down, skin loses elasticity and sags more — the neck shows it first. 

The neck starts to sag with age, typically after the age of 40 but can happen as early as your late 20s! This happens due to a combination of factors, including:

  • Loss of collagen and elastin: As we age, our skin loses its elasticity and ability to bounce back into place, leading to sagging.

  • Sun damage: Bring your sunscreen down to your neck! UV exposure from the sun can cause skin damage, leading to a breakdown of collagen and elastin and making the skin more susceptible to sagging.

  • Weight lifting or high intensity training: our muscles in our neck can get bigger overtime. As these muscles get stronger we lose definition in our jawline and see more “jowling”. Instead of it being tight and nice, we see it pulling downwards giving the illusion of sagging.

Studies conducted recently indicate a rise of 33% to 185% in screen time due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Bending down to look at a screen can put an extra 10-60 pounds of stress on the neck, causing it to be more susceptible to premature aging. This is further exacerbated by factors like decreased collagen levels and the delicate texture of the skin in the neck area.

It’s time to give our necks some LOVE

A year-round turtleneck a-la Lagerfeld is not the answer. As we approach the end of scarf season, here are two treatments for you…

Radiesse For a tighter and smoother neck

Radiesse is specifically designed for the hands and neck because it restores volume and renews the structure of delicate areas without looking puffy or turning soft like fillers. We also love it for the jawline because it can create a sharp and defined line.

How does it work? 

Radiesse filler is made of smooth calcium hydroxylapatite particles that integrate into your skin to create a “scaffold” that stimulates the production of collagen and elastin. 

After 1 to 3 sessions, you’ll notice smoother skin with volume restored. The best part? Results last 1 to 2 years!

radiesse neck rejuvenation before and after results

Botox for the neck (platysmal bands)

As we age, our neck muscles (known as platysmal bands) can become stronger and cause the jawline to look less defined. But don't worry, Botox can help restore your youthful appearance! By giving these muscles a little break, Botox can keep them from pulling down and giving you the “jowls” you don't want. So say hello to a defined jawline and goodbye to a sagging neck! This simple and non-invasive treatment is a popular choice for many people looking to refresh their look.

botox for the neck before and after results

How to prevent and maintain your post-treatment results

Keep your neck smooth and tight with Skinceuticals (our fave!) Triple Lipid Restore 2:4:2. We love this moisturizer because it helps restore the lipids our skin loses as it ages to support our skin’s natural self-repair and nourishment. Great to maintain those jaw-dropping (or should we say, jaw-lifting) results from Radiesse and Botox, or keep the signs of aging at bay. Use it on your face and bring it all the way down your neck. 

Not sure which treatment for your neck is right for you?

Let’s start with a consultation. During our one-on-one consultation, we’ll go over your neck concerns, goals and what we can do to get you there. We’re here to answer all of your questions so you can go into any treatment fully informed and confident with your decision.

nurse injector hilary thiessen in toronto

Hi, I’m Hilary!

The founder and lead nurse injector at Subtle Enhancements. Education is something that I’m very passionate about and this blog is an extension of that. Here you will be fully informed of the benefits and risks of each cosmetic procedure — no fads, no trends, just the scientific facts.

In the Greater Toronto Area or Durham Region? Consultations are free!

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